Michele R.

Mom to 3 adult children, grandmother to a new little one, and a part of a very active family that loves to spend time at the lake.

Last summer the thought of ever being able to stand up on board didn’t seem possible. She struggled to keep up with the family having to sit out on the paddle boarding, kneeboarding, surfing, and kayaking.

This summer is a different story!

After spending the past several months making small, sustainable lifestyle and nutrition changes, and consistently making it into the gym 3 days a week, she is now able to fully enjoy the lake with her family.

Michele was the first to tell us that she still isn’t doing it “right” when her OPEX Franklin tribe saw a video of her surfing on the lake.

“I want to be able to let go of the rope one day!”

But at OPEX Franklin we believe that LIVING A LARGER LIFE is about the JOURNEY. And Michele’s hard work has paid off in many ways…just look at her go now!

“I love how my workouts don’t leave me wiped out like some I have done in the past. I actually feel energized when I leave the gym in the morning and am able to enjoy the rest of my day.”

Michele has also just registered for scuba diving lessons to prepare her for a trip this winter. Remember when people used to say life is over at 50? HA! Not for this girl!

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OPEX Franklin