Month: July 2020

Jennifer B.

Not knowing what I was getting myself into, I approached Tara a few months ago because I THOUGHT I had a weight and energy problem. Little did I know that the ID program would isolate and target so many issues that I had around food, working out, hormones, adrenals, and my body in particular. The progress …

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Mike C.

“After years of participating in group training, the travel associated with my career made it difficult to be consistent with my training. Even though I enjoyed the group setting, the inconsistency in my attendance would ultimately leave me feeling wrecked for days after the classes, which left me feeling drained at work, and at home, …

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“I started in May 2017. I wanted to become more active and healthier. I was pretty stagnant with my desk job and lifestyle and didn’t like the way I looked or felt. I had tried working out on my own before, but I always fell off the wagon. Either my motivation slipped or I got …

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Michele R.

Mom to 3 adult children, grandmother to a new little one, and a part of a very active family that loves to spend time at the lake. Last summer the thought of ever being able to stand up on board didn’t seem possible. She struggled to keep up with the family having to sit out …

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Matt is just a normal guy in today’s world, who spends his days behind the computer screen programming for a local company. He gained some weight over the winter and wasn’t happy about it. He had been watching the success several of his coworkers were having in their fitness journey with OPEX Franklin and decided …

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Wes W.

Wes Watson is OPEX Franklin! Back in his glory days, Wes was a very competitive collegiate wrestler who, like so many of us, has moved onto a career and family and all the other grown up things we like to call “adulting”. However, he has never lost the desire to chase that blissful feeling he …

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Always considering himself a “hard-gainer in terms of strength, J.P. was experiencing difficulty gaining strength within the group class format and sought out individualized program design to address this and other training/lifestyle issues. In addition, having received a well-deserved promotion at work last year, his career stress rose, diverting his energies, all about the same …

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Dawn VR.

Dawn was first a member of our gym years ago when we offered group classes, but when she started to battle a number of rare issues in her ankles which led to many surgeries and eventually an ankle replacement, the group classes could not provide her with the individualized support she now needed. Dawn is …

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